Friday, January 13, 2006

Bem-vindo A Brasil!

Well, we've made it to Brasil I guess know that I "local," I better get used to spelling Brasil with an "s." Our trip was pretty much uneventful. No lost bags, missed connections and I haven't been deported yet; so you could say we are off to a good start.

Currently we are Goiania, Liliam's home town. We will be here for a few weeks while we begin getting our documents and such in order. After that, we will travel to the city of Braganca Paulista. Braganca will be our home and base of operations for at least the next two + years.

Over the next few days I will try and post some pictures of our travels. (hey, why wait till furlough to bore you with our missionary slide show!) We continue to pray for all of you and are so grateful to all you folks have done and are doing to make our dream of Mobilizing the Brazilian Church for Missions are reality.

In His Service,

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